A couple of weeks ago I attended a workshop called School 2.0 that talked about the ways in which schooling will occur in the near future. The presenter used an interactive map (learning ecosystem, he called it) to illustrate the various aspects of learning and teaching with Web 2.0 applications and how those applications impact what teaching and learning look like.
(On a side note: In last year's CTIG, we discussed some of the Web 2.0 applications that we can use at school to engage our generation of digital learners. If you would like to listen to last year's session on that, click here.)
Back to the workshop....there was also great discussion about how there is no faster route to stagnation and death to teacher innovation than an organization that shuns risk-taking especially during this time of great change, new technology tools and in a time when administrators use traditional observations methods that don't promote innovation in instructional methods.
I found the interactive map to be thought provoking. Check out the interactive map. Once you get to the site, click on the Launch Learning Ecosystem Map (click here) and share your thoughts. I am curious to know:
- How you feel curricular and instructional aspects would change if schools environments adopted the things in the School 2.0 learning ecosystem map?
- How many CSOV educators would be willing to adapt to this type of learning environment?
- How would it work at the early childhood and elementary levels?
Back to you!