Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Third grade blogging

We are learning to blog in third grade. We have taken a reading program called Caterpillar Reading to the next level. It is now the roots of Mrs. Corish's Online Book Club. Students use the forms they completed after reading a book for the Caterpillar program to write a summary of the book. They include their opinion of the book and any recommendation they have for reading the book. They have learned to create their account for the blog and post their summaries on the blog. Students have had such a good time reading and commenting on each other's postings.


makin said...

I love reading their blog--it's so interesting to see what the kids are writing. I especially love reading their comments to each other!

MMullineaux said...

I love blogging! And so do the kids! I have over 400 hits on the 6th grade blog!