Sunday, February 24, 2008

Van Keuren vs Welsh

Hey Jerry et al,
Did you get a chance to read the post that Michelle originally posted about Mr. Welsh and the subsequent responses to her posting? I would love to hear a conversation about technology integration between the two of you. If you didn't get a chance to read the dialogue, we would love to know what you thought about it.

From time to time I send out links school wide to see if anyone is interested in engaging in online collaborative projects that include the use of web interfaces such as a web cam. Last year, Michelle may remember the one that we almost set up for the class in Japan. Do you remember the ones I sent you last year about classes around the world that wanted to participate in an online collaborative math project? I never heard back from you so I thought you were not interested. Sounds like you are.......I wonder if Mr. Welsh is? :-)

Find a project that you are interested in off of this site and we can make it happen!

Global School House

This type of technology is old and is severely under utilized mainly due to the gap in schools that had the technology to do so. Below is an old video from 1990's that shows how one middle school class used web interfaces in conjunction with their science class but this technology could be used in any subject area. Check it out. I am ready when you are!!!!!!!! :-)

Another interesting site to check out is the Ask an Expert.

I will await your arrival in the ITC when you tell me you are READY to ROLL! :-)


makin said...

Interesting side note: I have personally used the Ask an Expert site, and I've had great results. They really do what they promise: An expert responded to my question within 48 hours, with a scientifically accurate answer. My question? How can one measure the size of the carbonation bubbles in Coke vs. Pepsi? The real question was grounded in research and fact, and the answer was given in the same vein. It was much appreciated, and I highly recommend this site to you all. Give it a try!

MMullineaux said...

I know I could totally use that site! I will keep it in mind...

I still want to collaborate with other, but I feel torn so often between the curriculum vs. these experiences. Does anyone else feel the same way?